One special feature of Pilentum Television’s rail transport modeling videos are cab ride films. From the engine driver’s view, a model railroad layout looks like a real world. Also, we always realize with this camera angle how beautiful the hobby model railroading is. Therefore, we discover a very large Märklin HO scale miniature world. We see two large railroad stations, we encounter many oncoming model trains and we have a journey through a helix of tracks inside a tunnel.
Pilentum Television has been producing high-quality videos about model railroads and model railways since 2013. There are now almost 600 videos that can be watched completely free of charge on YouTube. Please, use this website and dive into the world of model trains by watching the following content.
rail transport modeling model railroad cab ride miniature Marklin model trains HO scale Pilentum rail engine driver model railroad layout hobby model railroading railroad trains journey helix tracks red railroad signal locomotives multiple traction freight trains model railway railway train driver model railway layout railway modelling railways cargo goods trains