The French term “modélisme ferroviaire” means rail transport modeling, model railroading or railway modelling in the English language. A model railway society well known in France is the “Club des Trains Miniatures de l’Omois” (TMO), which has built a modular model railroad layout in HO scale. In total, there are 26 modules. The whole layout is 12.5 meters long and 7.1 meters wide. This French miniature world depicts a period from 1960 to 1970. That is why we see the famous “Micheline” railcar, some historical steam locomotives and older diesel locomotives on the HO layout.
All buildings, for example, the railway stations of Chesneaux, Bézu-Saint-Germain (Bézuet) and Coincy are made of 2 mm thick cardboard. The roofs are made of brushed aluminium foil. All these houses and buildings actually exist in France. The vegetation has been reproduced with products by “Woodland Scenics” and this vegetation gives a realistic aspect to the model railway layout. For the railway tracks products from “Peco” are used. Experience a short holiday in France while watching Pilentum’s video.
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