This is the latest model railway layout, which was built by Peter van den Wilderberg in HO scale. Peter is a famous model railroader living in the Netherlands. He is also known by the name “PEMOBA” which is an abbreviation for “Peter’s Modelbaan”. Peter does not build big model railway layouts; he focuses on small, cute and lovely dioramas, which are about three meters in the width and just one meter in the deep.
When Peter builds a new layout for European model railway exhibitions, every square centimeter is filled with technical details and fascinating gimmicks. As a spectator you have to look closely to the layout for several times to discover all the little details. In the left section of this layout, which is controlled by the “Win-Digitpet” railway software, there is the little train station of the city named “Peters-Brück”. There are two platforms. At the front of the platform, you should pay attention to the station master who lines his head to the passing trains. And, in front of the train station there are two working guys who are loading a truck.
In the background of this miniature world, there are the many buildings that are fully furnished and illuminated. On the street, a street sweeper is very busy cleaning the road, while the kids are playing at the children’s playground and the bus drives along. In the middle of the layout, there are two bridges that span a small river. Below the bridge, boats are loaded with a crane. In the right section of the model railway, you can see rows of houses with a small market and a church. In front of this scenery, there is a scrapyard or junk yard. And, behind the railway line, there are some transport activities at the warehouses.
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model railway miniature world attraction HO scale model railway layout Modelbaan Modelspoor layout small cute lovely diorama gimmicks railway railroad model train trains railway modelling model railroading kids playing playground boats scrapyard junkyard Pilentum railway line