In Germany there is a state that is characterized by beautiful landscapes and low population density. It is the state of Mecklenburg, which stretches from Berlin northward to the Baltic Sea. Mecklenburg is known for its mostly flat countryside. The terrain has many lakes, large fields and beautiful forests. Mecklenburg has productive farming, but the land is most suitable for grazing for livestock. Thus Mecklenburg offers a lot of inspiration for landscape design.
A famous model builder and book author in Germany is Dr. Franz Rittig. His model railroad layouts are always characterized by two features: On the one hand, he always focuses on the railroad history of Mecklenburg, and on the other hand, his model railway layouts are constructed in museum quality with loving details. As a historian, he has built this model train diorama, which depicts the post-war German Reich Railways, which was the operating name of state owned railways in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).
The model rail layout in HO scale is set somewhere in the northwest of Mecklenburg and presents a small branch line that was planned there but never built in reality. Dr. Franz Rittig had been inspired by historical site and construction plans and created a model train layout of a small town station as it might have once looked if it had been built. With a lot of imagination and scratch building skills, a beautiful small train diorama was created, which takes the viewer into a picturesque countryside with thatched farms and half-timbered houses.
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HO Scale Layout Germany steam locomotive steam train Mecklenburg Berlin Baltic Sea countryside model railroad model railway layout railroad railway trains model train model rail museum quality train diorama HO scale model train layout pilentum diorama