Highly Detailed Realistic HO Scale Model Railway Layout from Poland - Scratch Built Narrow-Gauge Trains

Published on August 25, 2023

Highly Detailed Realistic HO Scale Model Railway Layout from Poland - Scratch Built Narrow-Gauge Trains

This is № 544 of Pilentum's model railroad videos. In recent years, the Polish model railway club “Polska Makieta Modułowa H0 - Grupa Modelarska” and its members have surprised visitors at international model railway exhibitions with extremely detailed and lovingly designed HO scale model train layouts. A member of the club, Leszek Lewiński, presents a Polish narrow-gauge model rail diorama in museum quality. His model railroad layout is called “Over the Roofs of Kwidzyn” (“Nad dachami Kwidzyna”).


Pilentum Television, simply abbreviated to “Pilentum”, is probably the largest international video network for model trains and model railroad layouts. Pilentum's video documentaries present the beauty and the uniqueness of miniature worlds around the world.