For Pilentum’s friends from the United States, these video records were made. It is an amazing model railway layout in HOn3 gauge presenting the snowy winter landscape of the Rocky Mountains. This outstanding layout was built by Pit Karges from Luxembourg, a country in Western Europe, between Belgium and Germany, and north of France.
The railway modeler Pit Karges called this HOn3 scale model train layout “The First Snow on the High Line”. The visible part of the display is 2.0 meters x 0.5 meters, only. The remaining part of the railroad display is hidden behind a fiddle yard. Steam locomotives, excellently weathered and fitted with sound decoders, are used from Blackstone. The model trains are controlled with a Digitrax and Loconet system.
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Blackstone HOn3 scale model model trains weathering weathered scratched train layout fiddle yard steam train steam loco steam locomotive sound decoder Digitrax Loconet amazing awesome beautiful model railway HOn3 gauge HOn3 scale Rocky Mountains Pilentum United States model railway layout outstanding Pit Karges railway modelling railway modeling