If you’re asking model railroaders and railway enthusiasts in the United States, where to find one of the most outstanding model railroad layouts, they will probably answer, this is the “Piermont Division” made by Howard Zane. In fact, the “Piermont Division” is a superb HO scale permanent display layout, constructed to museum quality. Howard Zane’s 2,850 square foot model railroad layout, showcasing his artistry in model railroad building and rail modeling, is acclaimed as one of the finest and largest private layouts.
There are over 22 scale miles of track, historically accurate architecture, overwhelming landscapes and of course America’s greatest steam locomotives. Although fictional, the “Piermont Division” is filled with scenes and structures you would swear you have seen before. For decades, rail modeler Howard Zane has produced scratch built, custom structures of all kinds in HO scale and O scale for model railroads. Apart from Howard Zane’s Piermont Division, there are many other beautiful layouts in our little world of model trains.
Pilentum Television would like to visit every single layout and record on video, but a trip from Germany, where Pilentum Television is based, to the US is far too expensive. Therefore, Forrest Nace, a videographer from the US, provided Pilentum Television with some exquisite video footage. Forrest made a documentary about the “Piermont Division”, which is available on https://nacesvideography.com. In this movie we see some short video sequences from his documentary.
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model railroad Howard Zane Piermont Division American steam locomotives model railroad layout United States HO scale model railroader railway enthusiast outstanding superb display layout model railroading rail modeling private layouts overwhelming America steam locomotives steam trains rail modeler scratch built railroad railway model trains Pilentum documentary Erie locomotive Alco NYC DCC Mohawk