Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Published on January 24, 2025

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Wim Wijnhoud is a master in rail transport modeling and a highly talented model builder who is known across the borders in the European model railroading community. He always constructs exceptionally beautiful and nearly realistic model railway layouts in 1/87 scale. After his older HO scale model railroad layout, called “Saint Tourbière”, was awarded the title “Masterpiece” in many European railway modelling journals, he presented his latest work of art, called “La Ligne du Gérize”, at the Belgian model railway exhibition “Modelspoor Expo”.

The miniature world, called “La Ligne du Gérize”, is a 17 meter long and approximately two meter deep model railroad layout, that represents a fictitious railway line inspired by the magnificent landscape and rail traffic of France. The French cities of Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon and Le Puy-en-Velay were the inspiration for the designing this model train layout. The model rail layout depicts the railway era in May 1968. So rolling stock, locomotives, railcars and train sets from that era are in use.

A characteristic feature of dioramas, scale models and model railway layouts built by Wim Wijnhoud, who lives in the Netherlands, is the great depth of his miniature worlds. There are particularly fascinating visual axes for viewers and a detailed, impressive and superb fidelity to reality. With “La Ligne du Gérize”, Wim Wijnhoud has once again succeeded in perfectly capturing the scenery of French country life with his love of detail and his great craftsmanship. Not only the nostalgic atmosphere of bygone times, but also the lovingly designed houses, the carefully placed trees and the small scenes of everyday life give his model railroad layout a unique atmosphere.

The small village, called “Le Grueberon”, which is located in the left-hand section of the large model train layout, has become special attention. The village is located on a mountain. There are not only branch lines, but also narrow-gauge railways operated by the railway company “La Compagnie de chemins de fer départementaux” (CFD). This is why we see a CFD’s rail bus crossing the village and stopping in the square in front of the large terminus station.

At the terminus station, two standard-gauge regional lines extend across the center section to the right-hand section of the model train layout. These are operated by the French state railway, called “Société nationale des chemins de fer français” (SNCF). The model trains run through the valley along the river Gérize and cross the mountains on steep railway lines. Finally, the trains arrive at the regional railway station, called “Saint Baizomme”, located in the right-hand section of the large model rail layout.

Weathered locomotives, dirty freight wagons, typical French rail buses and a detailed landscape design characterize the miniature world of “La Ligne du Gérize”. Wim Wijnhoud’s precise craftsmanship and his artistic expression make this model railroad layout a true diamond, expressing the magic of rail transport modeling in all its glory.


Picture Gallery

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

Magically designed and nearly realistic HO scale model railroad layout by Wim Wijnhoud

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